DomainConfiguration settings

There are two types of configuration settings:
  • settings that change the UI of the Rumba iOS application

  • settings that modify the behavior of a Socket Mobile RFID reader / scanner with the web application

As noted in the domain configuration structure below, some settings are reflected within the Rumba iOS application, and others are reflected within the web application using the Rumba JS API

This is the structure of a domain configuration that is used between the Rumba iOS application and Rumba JS API.

  "domainName" : String,
  "changeId"   : String,
  "settings"   : {
    "navigationBar"     : Boolean,
    "inputFieldId"      : String,
    "formAutoSubmit"    : Boolean,
    "submitFormId       : String,
    "deviceStatus"      : Boolean,
    "decodedDataPrefix" : String,
    "decodedDataSuffix" : String



  • The domain name that the web application specifies during initialization of the Rumba JS API.

  • Specifying an incorrect domain name that will result in the Rumba iOS application throwing an error.


  • The changeId is a unique String that the web application specifies during initialization of the Rumba JS API.

  • The String can be whatever the developer desires, although, a UUID is sufficient.


  • A dictionary of each of the settings that the Rumba iOS application will reflect.

    • navigationBar - Determines whether the navigation bar within the Rumba iOS application is visible to the end-user

    • inputFieldId - The HTML-element identifier of the input field that data from the Socket Mobile RFID reader / scanner will be sent to

    • formAutoSubmit - Determines whether the aforementioned input field will perform an ‘auto-submit’ when it receives the data

    • submitFormId - The HTML-element identifier of the input field that will be automatically submitted. Somewhat similar to the inputFieldId

    • deviceStatus - Determines whether a status bar within the Rumba iOS application will be periodically displayed when the connected Socket Mobile RFID reader / scanner reaches certain battery levels

    • decodedDataPrefix - A string value that is pre-pended to the beginning of the decoded data before it appears in the specified input field

    • decodedDataSuffix - A string value that is appended to the end of the decoded data before it appears in the specified input field