Welcome to Capture C# SDK

The Capture SDK provides an API to leverage Socket Mobile’s data capture capabilities into your application.

This architecture offers 3 levels of API. A low level JSON-RPC interface, a mid level C# asynchronous API, and CaptureHelper.

This guide will contain information pertaining to all three supported platfroms. For additional information, you can additionally view the documentation for each platform separately here

Capture Helper

This is the easiest and recommended way to add the scanning capability into an application.

Getting Started - Windows to go straight to it! The instructions will differ depending on which platform you are working with.

More information about this API can be found here and some sample code can be found in gettingStarted.

C# Capture API

This API uses the Capture JSON-RPC API to provide an asynchronous C# API for Windows and Xamarin platforms.

This API requires some knowledge about the Capture Property Objects and Capture Event Object that are sent and received to/from the Socket Mobile Companion software through its Capture JSON-RPC interface.


Indices and tables